Monday, December 28, 2015

Weight Loss & Genes

TR90 is the only weight management program based upon gene expression science.
Genes can play an important role in weight management. There’s study was conducted in identical twins in which one twin was lean and the other had developed obesity. Because they are identical twins, we know that they share the exact same DNA, so genetics per se cannot explain the weight gain in only one of the twins. Instead, researchers identified that there are differences in the expression of genes between the two twins in their adipose (fat) tissue. The changes in gene expression in fat tissue of overweight twins made it easier for them to store fat and more difficult to mobilize it for fuel.
TR90 activates genes that influence lipid metabolism and control of appetite while maintaining a healthy intake of protein so that lean muscle is supported.
As a company we don’t compare our products with others but here are some features of our TR90 program to compare with others. These along with a 6s quality process should help you compare it with other weight management programs:
 • This powerful, comprehensive program is designed to create a healthy, lean body transformation.*
• Helps support maintenance of lean muscle.*
• Helps you increase healthy metabolism.*
• Promotes healthy weight loss for a healthier, leaner, younger looking body.*
• Helps improve your mood, reduce your cravings, reclaim your willpower, and transform your body.*
• Incorporates an eating plan designed to promote lean muscle and increase healthy metabolism.*
• Products leverage highly innovative gene expression science.*
• A comprehensive website is dedicated to provide all the support you need to reach your goals.


Contact me for more information or to buy 2 months get one month free prior to December 30th, 2015.

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