Nu Skin scientists collaborated with a leading expert in child malnutrition to develop VitaMeal. One bag of VitaMeal holds 30 child-sized meals—enough to provide one nourishing meal a day to a child for a month. VitaMeal:
  • is a fortified rice and lentil dish that I use in my own kitchen.
  • provides a well-balanced diet for the malnourished.
  • donations are tax-deductible, and you’ll receive a receipt stating such.
  • donations are used to purchase the Vitameal. 100% of your donation goes to the nutritious food scientifically developed for malnourished individuals. Our company covers all administrative as a way of giving back.
  • If you opt to donate 5 bags of Vitameal, NuSkin will donate another bag for free.
  • Bag only costs $25.50.
To donate, visit this webpage.
YouTube video of work done in Africa.   Depending on the palates of the disadvantaged peoples served, either fortified rice and lentil or soy- and corn-based porridge is provided.  We also do relief work after tragedies such as the natural disasters in Haiti and Nepal, and help families abroad as well as in the United States.  If you would like to donate Vitameal to your local food bank, simply search for Vitameal for consumption.  It is a scientifically-developed, fortified dish that provides a complete, well-balanced meal to those in need.  I have some in my pantry and have a delicious Vitameal Jambalaya recipe I can share that took 1st place in the "best tasting" category of a cook-off held last year!
It is my goal to become a Nourish the Children Ambassador.  If you'd like to donate on a monthly basis, please contact me and I'll help you set up your monthly tax-deductible donations.  I would also be happy to answer any questions that you may have.  Please share this post with anyone you think may be interested.
I thank you kindly in advance of supporting this worthy cause.
Kind regards,
Anita Link