Tuesday, November 24, 2015

De-stress for Success

In an article written by renowned author and leadership expert, Travis Bradberry, it is noted that a certain level of stress is necessary for action, but prolonged stress can decrease job and cognitive performance and increase the likelihood of depression, heart disease, and obesity.  A recent study shows that 90% of top performers are skilled and managing their stress levels enabling them to keep calm and in control.  

Here are Bradberry's recommendations for keeping the necessary stress hormone, cortisol, under control:

Be appreciative - Taking the time to contemplate that for which you are grateful can improve your mood and decrease cortisol by 23%.  I'd recommend a gratitude journal.

Avoid "what if" - Life can take you in a million different directions but asking this question will only lead to worry and more stress, only taking you down an unhealthy path.  

Think positive - Consciously focus on happy, positive thoughts, in good times and in bad.

Disconnect - If you open yourself to work related distractions 24/7 via technology, you are susceptible to stressors at any given time.  Carve out blocks of time when you're not at work to disconnect.  Even taking a short break from email can reduce stress.

Limit caffeine - Intake of caffeine increases the production of adrenaline that creates a hyper-aroused state not conducive to work tasks.  Caffeine, and the stress that it creates, also takes quite some time before making its way out of your body.

Sleep - Adequate and the right kind of sleep recharges your brain.  Sleep deprivation can cause a reduction in attention, memory, and self-control, as well as increase stress level even without the presence of stressors.

Cut out negative thoughts - Negative thoughts are rarely facts.  Avoid statements that include never, worst, and ever because they are rarely factual. Distinguishing between thoughts and facts can help squelch the cycle of negativity that increases cortisol levels in the brain.

Reframe your perspective - You can't control your circumstances, only your reactions, so put things in perspective.  If you must, I'd recommend writing down specifically what's going wrong, which is probably way less ominous that what your original thoughts, and make a plan of action to tackle it.

Breath - Focus on your breathing and nothing else.  Avoiding distractions can be hard but simply start over and, remember, practice makes perfect.  Focusing on something as simple as breathing, reduces stress.  I recommend "square breathing," wherein everything is done in fours.  Inhale for four seconds, hold for four, exhale for four and repeat until you feel more calm and in control.

Utilize your support system - Doing everything yourself is inefficient and impossible so don't be afraid to ask for assistance and insight.  

A friend and neighbor reminded me of another method by which a person can de-stress, prayer.  Studies of prayer and faith, a belief in a Higher Power, have shown that it can have a positive impact on mental health, stress level, and the healing process.

Here are some products that I would recommend you utilize to de-stress.
  • Cortitrol is an oral supplement that keeps the cortisol levels in your brain level.  Take one or two when you feel your stress level rising.  It can be utilized to help you get to sleep as well.
  • Epoch essential oils Lavender and Unwind can be used in a variety of ways including in a diffuser, blended with a topical oil which can be used for massage and skin moisturizer, or mixed with water and misted on your pillow at night.  You'd be surprised how quickly essential oils can change your mood.
  • Nighttime formula includes the highest quality extracts to lull you to sleep and promote normal sleep cycles.
  • r2, pronounced "r squared," has had the most significant impact on my sleep.  It increases cell productivity, and thus physical and mental vitality, throughout the day while detoxifying your cells at night.  The benefits are plentiful and noticeable, and this particular supplement is included in the Physician's Desk Reference.
Contact Link2Youth for ordering information and ask how you can order below retail with no subscription costs or obligations whatsoever.  337-315-7198 anitalink84@gmail.com ID: US00367225

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