Saturday, November 21, 2015

Calming Colic

A colicky baby can be distressing to parents.  It's so hard to see your baby suffering, and your anguish is exacerbated by lack of sleep.  

Here are some symptoms:

  • excessive crying
  • difficult to comfort
  • red facek
  • knees drawn up to chest
  • clenched fists
  • excessive gas
  • grimacing or frowning
  • high pitched, piercing cry
  • worse in evening/afternoon

Although it is not my intent to diagnose or treat, here are a few things that you may want to try. 

  • The 3 S's: swaddle, ssshhhhh, and swing.
  • Place your baby face down on your arm, straddling it. The pressure on the abdomen helps every time.
  • Fill a sock with rice, tie it at the end and heat in the microwave. Afterwards, add a few drops of Epoch Peppermint Essential Oil*. Wrap in a towel and make sure it isn't too hot and rock your baby with the warm compress on his abdomen or swaddle your baby with the warm compress.
  • g3*, a superfruit juice, coats the gut and helps calm colic.  It is also guaranteed to raise your baby's antioxidant level greatly reducing the likelihood of illness and disease.
  • Add Epoch Peppermint Essential Oil* to Epoch Topical Blending Oil* and rub on baby's tummy in in clockwise motion.  Works like magic.
  • Avoid dairy and grains and walk, walk, walk, after the baby eats.
  • Use safe probiotics such as ProBio PCC*.
* Contact Anita for g3, ProBio PCC, and/or peppermint essential oil and topical blending oil ordering information.  Don't pay retail.  Contact me first!  337-315-7198 or  ID: US00367225

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