Thursday, November 26, 2015

Oils Win Award

... and a portion of every Epoch sale goes to feed the hungry. Although our oils are new, we have been working with a leading ethnobotanist for years and essential oils are already a part of every every Epoch product.

Contact me for a free consultation.

Anita Link 337-315-7198

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Green Cleaning

Green safe cleaning with the purest essential oils available, developed by ethnobotanists and tested for safety and standardization utilizing the stringent 6s process.

Epoch Essential Oils for Cleaning

·       Epoch Lemon essential oil is great for cutting though grease and grime.
·       Due to its antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, and fungicidal actions, Epoch Lavender essential oil make it particularly effective for cleaning.
·       Epoch Peppermint essential oil’s cleaning power is due to its antiseptic properties.
·       Citrus oils have been shown to exhibit antifungal and antibacterial properties. They’re also a great degreaser! Epoch Burst essential oilblend contains grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, lime, orange, spearmint, lavender, bergamot, so not only is it a cleaning powerhouse, it smells great, too!
·       Tea tree oil is antimicrobial, antifingal, antiscptic, bactericidial, and insecticidal. Epoch Tea Tree essential oil is a hard one to skip over when it comes to cleaning the bathroom or kitchen.
·       Epoch Assure essential oil blend contains 10 of the oils considered key for any air and surface disinfectant -  cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary, orange, ginger, cardamom, lime, and bergamot.

Cleaning Spray! Chemical free, fragrant and healthy
Spray Bottle – shake well
1 cup vinegar
2 cups water
15 drops Epoch Burst essential oil blend
5 drops Epoch Lemon essential oil
3 drops Epoch Lavender essential oil

Drain Cleaner
½ cup baking soda
5-6 drops Epoch Lemon essential oil
½ cup vinegar
Put the mixture of above in the drain then pour 1 quart boiling water

Window Cleaner
Spray Bottle – shake well
¼ cup white vinegar
¼ cup rubbing alcohol
1 TBSP cornstarch (reduced streaking)
2 cups water
8-10 drops of Epoch Lemon, Epoch Lavender, Epoch Burst essential oils, or a combo of any

Kitchen/bathroom Kick Butt Cleaner
Spray Bottle – shake well
1 cup water
1.5 TBSP witch hazel
30 drops Assure essential oil blend

Pet deodorizer
2 cups water
30 drops Assure
Spray on fabric furniture or carpet to remove pet or other unpleasant smells.
Spray on cat litter.

De-stress for Success

In an article written by renowned author and leadership expert, Travis Bradberry, it is noted that a certain level of stress is necessary for action, but prolonged stress can decrease job and cognitive performance and increase the likelihood of depression, heart disease, and obesity.  A recent study shows that 90% of top performers are skilled and managing their stress levels enabling them to keep calm and in control.  

Here are Bradberry's recommendations for keeping the necessary stress hormone, cortisol, under control:

Be appreciative - Taking the time to contemplate that for which you are grateful can improve your mood and decrease cortisol by 23%.  I'd recommend a gratitude journal.

Avoid "what if" - Life can take you in a million different directions but asking this question will only lead to worry and more stress, only taking you down an unhealthy path.  

Think positive - Consciously focus on happy, positive thoughts, in good times and in bad.

Disconnect - If you open yourself to work related distractions 24/7 via technology, you are susceptible to stressors at any given time.  Carve out blocks of time when you're not at work to disconnect.  Even taking a short break from email can reduce stress.

Limit caffeine - Intake of caffeine increases the production of adrenaline that creates a hyper-aroused state not conducive to work tasks.  Caffeine, and the stress that it creates, also takes quite some time before making its way out of your body.

Sleep - Adequate and the right kind of sleep recharges your brain.  Sleep deprivation can cause a reduction in attention, memory, and self-control, as well as increase stress level even without the presence of stressors.

Cut out negative thoughts - Negative thoughts are rarely facts.  Avoid statements that include never, worst, and ever because they are rarely factual. Distinguishing between thoughts and facts can help squelch the cycle of negativity that increases cortisol levels in the brain.

Reframe your perspective - You can't control your circumstances, only your reactions, so put things in perspective.  If you must, I'd recommend writing down specifically what's going wrong, which is probably way less ominous that what your original thoughts, and make a plan of action to tackle it.

Breath - Focus on your breathing and nothing else.  Avoiding distractions can be hard but simply start over and, remember, practice makes perfect.  Focusing on something as simple as breathing, reduces stress.  I recommend "square breathing," wherein everything is done in fours.  Inhale for four seconds, hold for four, exhale for four and repeat until you feel more calm and in control.

Utilize your support system - Doing everything yourself is inefficient and impossible so don't be afraid to ask for assistance and insight.  

A friend and neighbor reminded me of another method by which a person can de-stress, prayer.  Studies of prayer and faith, a belief in a Higher Power, have shown that it can have a positive impact on mental health, stress level, and the healing process.

Here are some products that I would recommend you utilize to de-stress.
  • Cortitrol is an oral supplement that keeps the cortisol levels in your brain level.  Take one or two when you feel your stress level rising.  It can be utilized to help you get to sleep as well.
  • Epoch essential oils Lavender and Unwind can be used in a variety of ways including in a diffuser, blended with a topical oil which can be used for massage and skin moisturizer, or mixed with water and misted on your pillow at night.  You'd be surprised how quickly essential oils can change your mood.
  • Nighttime formula includes the highest quality extracts to lull you to sleep and promote normal sleep cycles.
  • r2, pronounced "r squared," has had the most significant impact on my sleep.  It increases cell productivity, and thus physical and mental vitality, throughout the day while detoxifying your cells at night.  The benefits are plentiful and noticeable, and this particular supplement is included in the Physician's Desk Reference.
Contact Link2Youth for ordering information and ask how you can order below retail with no subscription costs or obligations whatsoever.  337-315-7198 ID: US00367225

Sunday, November 22, 2015

ageLoc Youth

ageLoc YOUTH…

Turns on your bodies ability to create the nutrients it needs, resets inflammatory balance and turns on triggers for tissue regeneration.

After looking at this chart on inflammation from Dr. Mercola, you can see that without inflammation, disease wouldn't exist. But I'm excited that now something can be done about it! I share this because I care! This is life-changing...

After 5 years of clinicals and research, On November 12th, AgeLOC Youth launched into the US market!  It sold out in 8 minutes to the tune of $25 million.

Here's what AgeLOC Youth does:
1. Helps control pro-inflammatory cytokine response that can lead to auto-immune diseases.
2. It assists the body in creating the nutrients that it needs.
3. It resets the inflammatory response and protein repair.
4. It turns on the triggers for regenerating tissue in the body, and supports joints & bones.
5. Improves fat metabolism and lowers stress.
6. Offers antioxidant defense, detoxification & cellular stress response (promotes normal autophagy), and DNA protection & repair.
7. More energy, better skin (reverses skin damage), better sleep, better mental clarity and memory, sustains optimal heart health.
8. Improves immune system and brain plasticity.
9. Targets over 1,000 genes in the body to reset them to a more youthful expression (epigenetics).
10. Most advanced nutrition, ingredients you cannot obtain from an American diet.
It will not fully launch until around April 2016.  I am taking pre-orders NOW! Message me if you or someone you know may want some!

Dr. Mercola:

Inflammation Triggers the Symptoms of Disease

The presence of inflammation is what makes most disease perceptible to an individual. It can and often does occur for years before it exists at levels sufficient to be apparent or clinically significant. How long it has been smoldering really determines the degree of severity of a disease and often the prognosis assuming the inflammation can be controlled. One could also argue that without inflammation most disease would not even exist. Take a look at this list of diseases and their relationship with inflammation:

Disease - Mechanism

Allergy - 4 Immune Mediated Types + Sensitivities, all of which cause inflammation 
Alzheimer's - Chronic inflammation destroys brain cells 
Anemia - Inflammatory cytokines attack erythropoietin production
Ankylosing Spondylitis - Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against joint surfaces 
Asthma - Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against airway lining 
Autism - Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions in the brain arresting right hemisphere development 
Arthritis - Inflammatory cytokines destroy joint cartilage and synovial fluid 
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Chronic inflammation causes excessive muscle tension shortening tendons in the forearm and wrist compressing the nerves. 
Celiac - Chronic immune mediated inflammation damages intestinal lining 
Crohn's Disease - Chronic immune mediated inflammation damages intestinal lining 
Congestive heart failure - Chronic inflammation contributes to heart muscle wasting 
Eczema - Chronic inflammation of the gut and liver with poor detoxification and often antibodies against Transglutaminase-3
Fibromyalgia - Inflamed connective tissue often food allergy related and exacerbated by secondary nutritional and neurological imbalances. 
Fibrosis - Inflammatory cytokines attack traumatized tissue 
Gall Bladder Disease - Inflammation of the bile duct or excess cholesterol produced in response to gut inflammation 
GERD - Inflammation of the esophagus and digestive tract nearly always food sensitivity and pH driven 
Guillain-Barre - Autoimmune attack of the nervous system often triggered by autoimmune response to external stressors such as vaccinations. 
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - Autoimmune reaction originating in the gut triggered by antibodies against thyroid enzymes and proteins 
Heart attack - Chronic inflammation contributes to coronary atherosclerosis 
Kidney failure- Inflammatory cytokines restrict circulation and damage nephrons and tubules in the kidneys 
Lupus - Inflammatory cytokines induce an autoimmune attack against connective tissue 
Multiple Sclerosis - Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against myelin 
Neuropathy - Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against myelin and vascular and connective tissues which irritate nerves. 
Pancreatitis - Inflammatory cytokines induce pancreatic cell injury 
Psoriasis - Chronic inflammation of the gut and liver with poor detoxification 
Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against muscles and connective tissue 
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against joints 
Scleroderma - Inflammatory cytokines induce an autoimmune attack against connective tissue 
Stroke - Chronic inflammation promoted thromboembolic events
Surgical complications - Inflammatory cytokines (often pre-dating the surgery) slow or prevent healing

Don't pay retail when you can order wholesale! Contact me at 337-315-7198 or  ID: US00367225

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Calming Colic

A colicky baby can be distressing to parents.  It's so hard to see your baby suffering, and your anguish is exacerbated by lack of sleep.  

Here are some symptoms:

  • excessive crying
  • difficult to comfort
  • red facek
  • knees drawn up to chest
  • clenched fists
  • excessive gas
  • grimacing or frowning
  • high pitched, piercing cry
  • worse in evening/afternoon

Although it is not my intent to diagnose or treat, here are a few things that you may want to try. 

  • The 3 S's: swaddle, ssshhhhh, and swing.
  • Place your baby face down on your arm, straddling it. The pressure on the abdomen helps every time.
  • Fill a sock with rice, tie it at the end and heat in the microwave. Afterwards, add a few drops of Epoch Peppermint Essential Oil*. Wrap in a towel and make sure it isn't too hot and rock your baby with the warm compress on his abdomen or swaddle your baby with the warm compress.
  • g3*, a superfruit juice, coats the gut and helps calm colic.  It is also guaranteed to raise your baby's antioxidant level greatly reducing the likelihood of illness and disease.
  • Add Epoch Peppermint Essential Oil* to Epoch Topical Blending Oil* and rub on baby's tummy in in clockwise motion.  Works like magic.
  • Avoid dairy and grains and walk, walk, walk, after the baby eats.
  • Use safe probiotics such as ProBio PCC*.
* Contact Anita for g3, ProBio PCC, and/or peppermint essential oil and topical blending oil ordering information.  Don't pay retail.  Contact me first!  337-315-7198 or  ID: US00367225

Friday, November 20, 2015

Suspicious Supplements

Promises that signal iffy products, according to federal agencies, include: 
  • Weight loss without diet or exercise
  • Rapid results 
  • Reverse signs of aging 
  • Prevent, treat, or cure multiple diseases 
If a product makes those claims, ask your  health care provider: 
  • Is there scientific proof that it actually works? 
  • How reliable is this brand? 
  • How will it affect my other medications?
  • What are the side effects? 
  • If it’s safe to take, what’s the right amount? 
Seals that certify supplement safety include United States Pharmacopeia (USP)* or a symbol from NSF International* or*.

Read the entire article from

* Pharmanex only uses gelatin capsules and tablets which adhere to the U.S.P. XXIV standards.  Pharmanex's  LifePak® is the first supplement to receive independent certification from three major independent testing groups, reaffirming the quality and labeling accuracy of the product. These third-party testing companies include NSF International,® and the Banned Substances Control Group (BSCG™) — all considered having reputable dietary supplement product testing programs.

For more information or to order, contact Link2Youth's Anita Link at 337-315-7198 or via email.  Don't pay retail.  Contact me first!  ID: US00367225

Supplement Safety

Our company utilizes FIVE labs (Formulation, Stability, Microbiology, Clinical, and Chemistry) to test products before they can be approved.  This helps ensure that the products are PURE, SAFE, and BIO-AVAILABLE. Only one supplement company has such a complex system in place and invests so much in research and testing for safety and quality.  The ONLY supplements listed in the Physician's Desk Reference, doctors' prescribing guide, are made by Pharmanex.  

WebMD article "Can You Trust Your Dietary Supplement?" link  

So, are your supplements safe?  Ours are.  Here's why:

There are dozens and dozens of ‘pharmaceutical’ supplement companies on the market and this designation, alone, means nothing.  What a company must do is grow/supervise all the ingredients in their products and have the ability to test each ingredient for several factors.  To do this, you need robust research facilities, partnering laboratories, and enough high level scientists and staff to perform the necessary testing.

Most of the companies on the market simply do not have the money, scientists, or research engine to perform appropriate testing, and because of this, their products are not what they are touted to be.  Pharmanex, along with parent company NuSkin, employs 75 scientists full-time globally (you can buy their products in 53 nations). This includes over 20 PhDs.  They have two major research facilities (not including AgeLoc research performed by LifeGen Technologies).  One in Provo, UT boasting over 22,000 sq ft of labs and one in Fengxian, China, which is 20,400 sq ft. Of course, both labs follow the rigorous 6S process.  In addition, Pharmanex pairs with researchers at major universities and independent labs to help with product development and testing.  All this is stellar and their science is even more impressive when you look at their Scientific Advisory Board.

Most other companies on the market have a maximum of 10 total researchers (compared to Pharmanex’s 75), and they are not too open about their credentials. Again, most companies do not have the personnel or technology necessary to produce high quality products, in spite of their claims. Because of this, the consumer ends up wasting money and there could actually be ingredients in the products that are harmful.  (Please reference my last blog on supplements, as it discussed what was found when many store brands were pulled and tested…none of them had what was listed on their labels!)

I have worked with many supplement companies in my office over the last 16+ years and have always looked for the best I could offer my patients.  I know that too many products are ‘snake oil’, and the more I learn, the more I find that validates this sentiment.

As an insulin dependent diabetic well-versed on the research demonstrating that oxidative stress kills, I have always strived to eat well, exercise, and supplement quality products to give my body the best opportunity to negate the oxidative stress caused by fluctuations in blood sugar.  For diabetics and others who have diseases and for that matter are athletes, seldom does food intake alone give the body what it needs for optimal function.
When I brought the Pharmanex Biophotonic scanner into my office, I knew I was doing wonders for my patients.  This is for many reasons but for comparison sake I ask you to do the following…check to see if your supplement company tests their products like Pharmanex. See if they have guarantees like Pharmanex.  See if they test you every month non-invasively for the biomarker for health and nutrition status, your dermal carotenoid level…(the indicator of oxidative stress).   I assure you Pharmanex is unique. Pharmanex holds the patents on the Biophotonic Scanner so no other company can test for absorption of carotenoids (and these are vital to your health!).  In addition, every ingredient in their products is test thoroughly….above and beyond what every other company does.

The processes listed below are what Pharmanex uses to help them make the best quality products in the world.

Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC)   This instrument determines the makeup and components of any sample.  It isolates each component so that it can be properly identified and defined.  This isolation helps test the purity of products and ensures that each batch is free of contaminants.

Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS)  This technology works by injecting samples of argon plasma hotter than the surface of the sun.  The ICP/MS can detect almost any element from the periodic table in a sample.  Pharmanex verifies that the products meet their label claims for elements such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc, and that they do not contain toxic ‘heavy metals’ such as lead, mercury, or arsenic.

Ultra High Performance Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS)  This coupling technology creates the most sophisticated instrument for the evaluation of chemical compounds.  Using this technology, Pharmanex can determine the exact molecular structure of organic compounds in a sample.  This process allows for identification of active ingredients found in natural products.  The science is unparalleled.

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)  This technology tests for the authenticity and purity of an herb.  A beam of infrared light is passed through a sample and the sample absorbs the energy from the beam at certain frequencies. By charting the frequencies at which the sample absorbs the energy, Pharmanex is able to get the ‘absorption spectrum’ of the chemical substance.  No two substances have the same absorption spectrum, so by comparing this spectrum to those created by authenticated reference materials, Pharmanex can positively identify an herb.

Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)  This is the most advanced method for determining the presence of compounds such as pesticides and residual solvents.  A few drops of an undesirable substance dispersed in an average-sized swimming pool would be so diluted that it would be impossible to detect with other instruments.  But using a GC/MS instrument, Pharmanex is able to detect its presence at a low level of two parts per billion.  This analysis helps to identify raw materials suitable for Pharmanex products.                         
- Dr. Allen Manison, from

Don't pay retail for Pharmanex products on a third party site when you can get them at wholesale costs or join our rewards club to purchase below that and earn free product. 
Contact Link2Youth first! 
ID: US00367225

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Preventative Medicine

Preventative Medicine

What if you invested in preventative measures so you don't get sick (at least not nearly as often) and felt feel an increase in overall your vitality and sense of well being, both physically and mentally? Would you be interested in learning more?

Contact Link2Youth at 337-315-7198 (call or text) 

Don't pay retail on Pharmanex products.  Contact me first!  337-315-7198 or  ID: US00367225

Anita Link and family