Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Health Benefits of Green Tea

According to webmd.com, a fairly well-regarded source, these are some of the benefits of green tea:
  • Catechin content is crazy high - These antioxidants serve to fight and prevent cell damage 
  • Improves blood flow and lowers cholesterol
  • Helps prevent heart related issues including high blood pressure and congestive heart failure
  • Brain health! Increases activity in the working-memory areas of the brain and blocks formation of plaques that cause Alzheimers
  • Helps stabilize blood sugar with those with diabetes
  • No drink will melt the fat off (if I find it, I'll let you know) but some studies have shown that the active ingredient in green tea, EGCG, can help you drop a few pounds. I find I have a little more energy and mental clarity without feeling jittery to which I am prone. Regardless, it is obviously a smart swap for sugary drinks.
  • Cancer fighting? It is known to aid healthy cells in all stages and new studies are showing that it may actually help destroy cancer cells. It's still to soon to be deemed a cancer preventative but aiding healthy cells whilst fighting free radical cell damage (boosting your immune system) is the only thing that has been proven to at minimum delay the onset of cancer.

So what would I recommend? Well, I doubt I have the time, inclination, or money to consume high quality green tea, without sweeteners, multiple times a day per day so I take the only green tea supplement, Tegreen 97, that can be found in doctor's go-to prescribing guide, the Physician's Desk Reference. One capsule is equivalent to 7 Asian-sized servings (6 oz) of green tea! Is it affordable? You betcha! You can get started on a regimen at about $25 per month, tax and shipping included with an opportunity to purchase at wholesale or below (think frequent shopper rewards program). 

From personal experience, I will tell you that it does wonders for your skin.  I noticed a vast improvement in elasticity, glow, texture, and tone within two months of taking the product.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.  Don’t pay retail.  Contact me first! ID: US00367225

I’m so anxious to help others feel better and ward off illness.